Public Private Partnership Office

Project Profile

Construction of Composite Rice Mills along with Drying and Storage Facilities at different strategic locations across the country.
Project Information
Project Name:
Construction of Composite Rice Mills along with Drying and Storage Facilities at different strategic locations across the country.
Ministry of Food
Implementing Agency:
Directorate General of Food
Barishal, Bhola, Jhalakati, Faridpur, Naogaon & Sylhet District
Estimated Capital Cost:
BDT 1,445 Crore
CCEA Approved (In Principle) on 12 November, 2020
One of the main goals of the government is to provide adequate food supply and ensure nutrition for the huge population. For this purpose, the Government Procures food grains (Paddy, Rice and Wheat) from internal and external sources, stores & distributes food grains in Food Godown (s) like LSD (s), CSD(s) and Silos. At present there are 12 Central Storage Depot (CSD), 635 Local Supply Depot (LSD) & 6 Silos under DG Food. Currently, there is no Government Rice Mill in Bangladesh. Directorate General of Food procures paddy directly from the farmers and rice from the contracted private Rice Millers. The capacity of each Paddy Silo is 28000 (Total 8 nos. of bins and capacity of each bin-3500) MT and total capacity of 6(six) silo is 168000 MT.
The main objective of the project is to ensure fair prices for small and marginal farmers, increase storage capacity to 23.50 Lakh MT by 2025, improve rice quality through the introduction of Polisher, Length Grader, and Colour Sorter, maintain food grain quality for 2-3 years, mitigate price hikes, ensure fair pricing at the consumer level, and initiate rice fortification by installing a Fortified Kernel Mixing Machine with a capacity of 200 kg/hour.
Project Scope:
The main scope of the project is to establish Paddy Silos for storing paddy to provide fair prices to small and marginal farmers, mitigate price hikes, ensure fair pricing at the consumer level, and supply fortified rice through public food distribution channels, thereby directly benefiting over 25 million impoverished individuals and significantly reducing malnutrition through the distribution of fortified rice in PFDS.
The project is in development phase.
Contact for information on PPP projects:

Abu Kaisar Khan
Phone: +88 02 55007414
Public Private Partnership Authority
Plot: E, 13-B, 1st Floor, Sherebangla Nagar
Agargaon, Dhaka-1207
Phone: +88 02 55007421
(Last updated 20 February 2024; subject to further revision.)