Public Private Partnership Office

Project Profile

Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Water Treatment Plant at Purbachal New Town
Project Information
Project Name:
Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Water Treatment Plant at Purbachal New Town
Water and Sanitation
Ministry of Housing & Public Works (MoHPW)
Implementing Agency:
Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK)
Estimated Capital Cost:
US$ 350 million
CCEA approved In-Principle Approval on 09-08-2023
Since the Purbachal project area is outside the purview of Dhaka WASA, in the inter-ministerial meeting held on 07/04/2011, Dhaka WASA expressed its inability to provide water supply and sewage management in Purbachal. Besides, in the inter-ministerial meeting held on 21/03/2022, the MD of Dhaka WASA informed the meeting that it is not possible to supply water before 2035 and suggested the establishment of a water treatment plant under Rajuk's own management for Purbachal New Town. In view of that, in the general meeting of the RAJUK, a decision was taken to establish a water treatment plant under Rajuk's own management, possibly through PPP.
Project Scope:

•  Provide safe and reliable access to potable water for the population of Purbachal New Town, estimated to be nearly 1.5 million, through the construction of a water treatment plant and pipeline network

•  Reduce the dependence on groundwater extraction for meeting the water demand, in line with the signed agreement to cease groundwater extraction from the 11th year of the contract, and to ensure a sustainable and secure source of water supply

•  Mitigate the adverse impact on the environment caused by groundwater depletion, and to promote sustainable water management practices

•  Discourage unauthorized deep tube well installation in residential plots, by providing a reliable and affordable alternative source of water supply

•  Promote social and economic development by providing essential services such as potable water, sewage treatment, and associated infrastructure to support residential, commercial, administrative, educational, and social activities in Purbachal New
The project is in development phase.
Contact for information on PPP projects:

Nargis Parvin
Director (Finance)
Phone: +88 02 55007432
Public Private Partnership Authority
Plot: E, 13-B, 1st Floor, Sherebangla Nagar
Agargaon, Dhaka-1207
Phone: +88 02 55007421
(Last updated 20 February 2024; subject to further revision.)