Public Private Partnership Office

Project Profile

Construction of Laldia Bulk Terminal
Project Information
Project Name:
Construction of Laldia Bulk Terminal
Ministry of Shipping
Implementing Agency:
Chittagong Port Authority (CPA)
Laldia Char, Patenga, Chittagong
Estimated Capital Cost:
< $6m
> $500m
Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the project on 11 March, 2013.
The Chittagong Port, operated by the Chittagong Port Authority (CPA), is the main sea port of Bangladesh and handles more than 92% of the total sea born trade of the country in bulk and containerized form. There has been a significant and sustained increase in cargo handling at the Chittagong Port, with current growth averaging at more than 10% annually.

A key constraint faced by Chittagong Port is the lack of any specialist terminals to handle bulk cargo. Currently the bulk cargo is being handled at the existing container terminals; however, this is not a viable long term solution. The lack dedicated equipment for bulk cargo, and the strong growth of container and bulk cargo volumes are having an adverse impact on ships waiting time and the overall performance of the port.

To meet this increase in bulk cargo volumes and improve performance of port operations, government has prioritized the establishment of a dedicated bulk cargo handling facility.

For this purpose, the government has primarily selected the Laldia Char as a strategically appropriate location for developing a bulk cargo handling terminal. CPA has decided to develop the terminal through Public-Private Partnership arrangement. The proposed site is in the right bank of Chittagong port between Khal no 14 and 15. The site proposed site is nearer to sea mouth and located downstream of the Gupta bend.
  1. Setting up a dedicated terminal with specialist equipment to handle bulk cargo.
  2. Enhancing capacity at Chittagong Port to deal with additional cargo volumes and meet future demand.
  3. Enhancing operational performance at Chittagong Port and reducing ship waiting time.
Project Scope:
The design, construction, operation and maintenance of Laldia Bulk Cargo Terminal on the basis of a PPP Structure.
Project Implementation Period:
Development Period: 2014 – 2015
Procurement Period: 2015 – 2016
Transaction Advisor:
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Procurement Stage - RFP issued
Contact for information on PPP projects:

Director (Project Management & Finance)
Phone: +88 02 55007418
Public Private Partnership Authority
Plot: E, 13-B, 1st Floor, Sherebangla Nagar
Agargaon, Dhaka-1207
Phone: +88 02 55007421
(Last updated 1 September 2020; subject to further revision.)